Thursday, 17 January 2019

How to Write an IB Extended Essay, follow us at

The IB extended essay is a research based mini thesis with a word count of 4000 words, writing which is no walk in the park. It requires months of preparation in the form of research and thought. This blog focuses on the basics of writing an IB extended essay.

The first step is to choose your research question(RQ). Easy as it may seem, this is the step that requires a lot of thought and research. It would be helpful to choose your RQ based on a subject of interest so that the thesis might not seem like a tedious task for you that you would rather not do.

One of the main challenges is choosing an RQ that could be discussed while keeping within the word limit of 4000. A topic that is too specific might appear stretched when you try to fill up for the sake of word count. On the other hand, do not choose a topic that is too vast either because you might not be able to come to a valid conclusion within the word limit. Another concern is making sure that your chosen topic has enough information online or otherwise that you can access for your research. Other than online and in libraries, information on your topic can be found by discussing it with experts in the field.

More than just doing a whole lot of research and collecting a plethora of information, an IB extended essay is about proving how much of an understanding you have on the course concepts. At the end of the essay, it must be obvious that you have grasped the concepts well and are able to arrive at a logical conclusion.

The final thing to consider is if the topic will be of any help to you in future. A well written essay on an excellent topic could fetch you the opportunity to get into your preferred university program. Or it would help you in deciding your future course of study. At the end of the day, a work of passion speaks for itself. It would be infinitely helpful to be have some underlying motivation in order to produce that perfect essay. provide IB extended essay writing help in Dubai with our expert and qualified IB tutors in GCC region. To know more about our services contact us at 055-9564344 or leave an enquiry at

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Monday, 14 January 2019

How to Write an Excellent TOK Essay

If you are an IB student, you probably know the challenge involved in writing a TOK essay that conforms to the format and fetches high marks. With the following guidelines, you can save your valuable time and focus on the content.

TOK stands for Theory of Knowledge. A TOK essay talks about how we come to know things. While discussing the chosen topic for the essay, one has to present two sides of an argument, known as a claim and a counter-claim, with evidences supporting each side. It is imperative that the evidence supports the claim/counter-claim.

Steps to write a TOK Essay:
  • Choose your topic and KQ
  • The first step is choosing your topic from the given list and a valid Knowledge Question (KQ). Think over the topic and make a few notes in relation to your understanding on the topic.
  • Choose 2 AOKs and 1 WOK for the chosen topic

Here is the AOK list for your reference:
  •          Mathematics
  •          Human sciences
  •          Natural Sciences
  •          the Arts
  •          Ethics
  •          Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  •          Religious Knowledge Systems
  •          History

And the WOK list:
  •          Emotion
  •          Faith
  •          Sense perception
  •          Reason
  •          Imagination
  •          Intuition
  •          Language
  •          Memory

The TOK essay basically comprises two body parts, each part elaborating on one of the chosen AOKs. Each AOK in turn should discuss a claim and a counter-claim. (The recommended method is to explore 2 AOKs for the two main body parts and use the WOKs to provide added insights into the discussion.)
           Structure your essay

A.      Introduction paragraph (150- 200 words)
·         Begin the essay with an interesting sentence related to the topic. This could be a quote or a fact.
·         Provide definitions for two or three terms in the topic.
·         Provide your initial answer to the knowledge question.
·         Write a preview on the essay. For instance, introduce the AOKs and WOKs and the main claims that will be debated.
B.      Paragraph 2 (300 words)
AOK 1: State the claim and explain it using a real life example
C.      Paragraph 3 (300 words)
·         Argue the claim by presenting a counter-claim and explain it using a real life example.
·         You may begin by using words like ‘However’, ‘On the contrary‘ etc.
·         End the discussion by summing up and linking to the title.
D.      Paragraph 4 (300 words)
AOK 2: State the claim and explain it using a real life example
E.       Paragraph 5 (300 words)
·         Argue the claim by presenting a counter-claim and explain it using a real life example.
·         End the discussion by summing up and linking to the title.
F.       Paragraph 6 and 7 (200 words)
·         Discuss insights (one of the WOKs can be used for this purpose)
·         State a conclusion by weighing both sides of the argument
·         Mention the importance of understanding the topic
·         Explore the essay from a different perspective to give fresh insights
·         If relevant, mention any unresolved issue that got evident after the discussion

Are you still confused how to write a good TOK essay, take help from our IB expert writers. can assist you to write top quality TOK essay within deadline. to know more about our services visit us at

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